Medicare Advantage


Medicare Advantage Plans

Looking for a Medicare Advantage plan in the Springfield MO Area?

When someone becomes eligible for Medicare, unless they are covered by a group plan of some kind, they have two options — Original Medicare or, Medicare Advantage (Medicare Part C).

Medicare Advantage is an alternative to the government issued “Original Medicare” program, and is administered by private insurance companies, not the government.

Medicare Advantage plans combine the hospital, medical, and sometimes prescription drug coverage into one plan. This means if you are in a Medicare Advantage plan, you will have on identification card. They can also include dental and eye benefits.

Medicare Advantage plans are different from Original Medicare in many ways, including pricing, coverage levels, co-insurance, deductibles and more. There are also special rules surrounding Medicare Advantage plans.

It’s critical that you get thorough and unbiased advice when it comes to choosing between Original Medicare and Medicare Advantage, because in some scenarios your final choice cannot be “undone”.

Because we are an independent agency, we can provide you with objective advice that will educate you on the differences, pros and cons, and ultimately help you make your decision much easier.

Annual Election Period (AEP)

The AEP period is open from November 15th until December 7th anually. During this period, you have the ability to change, upgrade, or possibly remove parts of your plan. During the AEP you can update the following:

  • Prescription Drug plan
  • Your Medicare Plan
  • Go back to Basic Medicare

After the Annual enrollment period, your changes will typically be applied on January 1st of the following year. If you miss the AEP, you might have to wait to make changes to your current medicare enrollment.

MBG is licensed to sell Medicare Advantage plans. Whether you live in Springfield, Republic, Ozark or Nixa we can help you. Give us a call at 417-773-7822 or submit a request below.

Want more information about Medicare Advantage?

  • By submitting a request below, a licensed agent will contact you to set up an appointment to discuss Medicare Advantage. The agent will have to have you sign a Scope of Agreement prior to discussing any information.

Request Your Proposal Here

Are you ready to save time, aggravation, and money? The team at MBG Insurance is here and ready to make the process as painless as possible. We look forward to meeting you!

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